Most of the Nitrided Ferro Chrome online produced worldwide is used in manufacturing stainless steel. The chromium content present in stainless steel provides resistance to corrosion as well as gives stainless steel its customary appearance. Around 18% of chrome is used per unit content of stainless steel. Buy nitrided-Ferro Chrome is also used when more chromium is needed to be added to carbon steel. High carbon ferrochrome is used. Most of the ferrochrome produced worldwide is used in manufacturing stainless steel. The chromium content present in stainless steel provides resistance to corrosion as well as gives stainless steel its customary appearance in the manufacturing of ball-bearing steels, tool steels as well as other alloy steels. Stainless steel scrap 316 price is also used when more chromium is needed to be added to carbon steel. High carbon ferrochrome is used in the manufacturing of ball-bearing steels, tool steels as well as other alloy steels. Apart from making stainless steel, low-carbon ferrochrome is also used in the manufacturing of acid-resistant steels.
- Most of the ferrochrome produced worldwide is used in manufacturing stainless steel. Stainless steel depends on chromium for its appearance and its resistance to corrosion. Around 18% of chrome is used per unit content of stainless steel.
- Foundry-grade ferrochrome containing around 62-66% chromium and almost 5% carbon is used for producing cast irons.
- Our good quality high carbon ferrochrome is used in the manufacturing of ball-bearing steels, tool steels as well as other alloy steels.
- Ferrochrome alloy is also used when more chromium is needed to be added to carbon steel.
- Apart from making stainless steel, low-carbon ferrochrome is also used in the manufacturing of acid-resistant steels.
Ferrochromium nitride is used in smelting nitrogen-bearing corrosion-resistant steel and other chromium-bearing alloys with nitrogen. Chromium nitride is recommended for predominant use in smelting high-nitrogen chrome-nickel superalloys and also for high-alloy corrosion-resistant steel with the maximum nitrogen concentration. Chromium and Nitrided Ferro Chrome which combine a high nitrogen concentration and maximum density, permit the economical smelting of a wide range of nitrogen steel.

- Cr : 60 % min/ Cr: 65% min , N : 7 -10 %
- Higher temperature/ Melting point
- Sliding wear applications
- Wear resistance on precision components
- Eliminates galling, fretting, microwelding, seizing and adhesive wear
- Enhances corrosion resistance but does not perfectly encapsulate the part
- Low Friction